Sunday 9 September 2012

200 year Anniversary of Borodino

Put together by John Hutton and a cast of thousands. Over 5000 28mm minis!
Truly a spectacle that you should see for yourself today. The exciting conclusion will be at Cavs' on Sunday til about 1500.
I've met a ton of cool peoples there, as well as seeing a few comrades from wargaming in NZ.
No commentary, just pics. I'm too ignorant!

Be sure to check out the other better batreps at Pooch's and Rodgers sites. As well as Craigs and more in my blogroll.


  1. It was an awesome way to spend the weekend.

  2. I don't think I got a chance to talk to you Rodger. Which division did you general?

    Thanks Scott!

  3. Very cool really nice pics it really was fun wasn't it

  4. It was an awesome weekend- make sure you can some time off to command some troops at Gettysburg Adam!


  5. Thanks guys.
    I will Craig, Gettysburg!

  6. Lovely photos from a great game! Thanks for sharing!
